How we helped a local Gym in Tanzania
This guy is properly inspiring. Eddie caught our eye with his social media content creation, he regularly shared images of him working out in his village in Tanzania, training large volumes of youngsters with the most basic of kit. He runs classes for orphans, for the underprivileged, he gives them focus, he boosts their confidence, and improves their health, he's a genuinely special guy! He was doing all this with random scraps of metal, spare wheels, metal cogs, and rusty bars. We contacted Eddie and said we wanted to help.
We set out with the aim of providing him with over a thousand pounds worth of gym equipment for free. We ran some crowdfunding too to help cover the shipping costs, and the shipping and logistics were a real challenge, at one stage we thought the kit went missing (huge panic) but we are pleased to confirm that a very grateful Eddie received his goods and that he now trains people daily with some decent equipment!