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CrossFit gym design

Recharge love working with CrossFit gyms, it's the perfect fit for our gym equipment. We specialise in free weights, racks, rigs. So whether you're just looking to buy a new set of barbells, or your looking to launch a brand new box, fully designed and kitted out from top to bottom, we'd love to help. 

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Get your rigging right

Top crossfit gyms all have incredible set ups. It's vital to get a rig/rigs that support your business. Are you potentially looking to expand? Go modular. Are you tight on space, go wall hung? Do you want to make a statement, look at our mega triple bay free standing rig. 


Keep your crossfit box tidy

Loads of gym kit + lots of floor space = recipe for a messy gym. Keep your box tidy with our smart range of crossfit storage solutions. From bumper plate toaster racks, barbell gun racks to our super popular multi product solutions which store dumbbells, wallballs, kettlebells, barbells, bands and bumpers all in one! 


Competition or cast iron kettlebells

Some of our crossfit partners prefer a cast iron kettlebell, others like our uniform competition (although they are a little marmite what can we say, some people love bright orange, others don't)! 


Time to get all hexy. 

Hex dumbbells are a staple of any unit. Our dumbbell range starts at 2.5kg and goes up to 50kg. We do often stock up to 60kg but make these bespoke...our team don't love lugging these around. We have the best deals on hex in the UK.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Our business is built on doing an incredible job. That's why so many sports stars, gyms and clubs recommend us. Any order over £10,000 will include direct contact with one of the Recharge directors to ensure an incredible experience.  

Choose the right rig for your gym.

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